Visitors 5264
2449 photos, 11 videos

To purchase a print - See pricing info in last gallery

  The following books are available on

Time in Nicaragua

Written on the wall

Prima Facie

The Latent Moment

Reality Remembered

Light Falling on a Sensitive Surface

My Occupy Wall Street Photos are now in the collections of
the New York Historical Society, the Museum of the City of New York and the Smithsonian: National Museum of American History.

"If you want to see the invisable, carefully observe the visible" - The Talmud

Recommeded - Wayne Miller paintings

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AddressUnited States
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Guestbook for Ken Nadle
Kate Lynch(non-registered)
Hi Ken
Your Magoo's photos really sparked my memories, especially the one of my mom Sharon Wybrants, her friend Vernita and the room where I played pinball as a young kid. I'm writing a little list on Medium about my NYC childhood and one of these would be an amazing addition. Please let me know.
Tom Lulevitch(non-registered)
Ken, Enjoyed meeting you today. Your photos are the essence of what it means to observe and realize the moment. I moved back in time looking at those Magoos images. I didn't know anyone in the slideshow but felt I could have been very happy hanging out there. Looking through your work has just made me feel good and glad to know there are people like you around.
Rob Pollock(non-registered)
Hey Ken, how are you. Came to the site because it's the only way I could think of to get a hold of you. None of the old numbers work anymore. Pictures look great - hope you are well - email address is below it would be great to hear from you.
Peter Resnik(non-registered)
You have outdone yourself with your new book of images. You have an incredible eye for catching coincidences, irony and humor in life. What a great cover shot for "PRIMA FACIE," the image has beautiful balance, symmetry and grace - while the viewer, (me in this case), is fantasizing on the mystery of this woman's ass she appears to be carrying her own fantasy in the bag she is holding.

Book is filled with museum quality images. Hopefully you will receive the notoriety and success you deserve while you are still here among us. Bravo Ken!
Looking your streetshots with great interest, hoping that some day my shoots will be in public.
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